Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2003)

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was released originally on the Nintendo Gamecube in 2003, and it was recently remastered and rereleased on the Wii U. It brought a whole slew of criticism among fans of the Zelda franchise because Nintendo designed it with a new graphical engine and art style, cel shading.

This was very controversial because it cast Zelda, a somewhat serious franchise, into a cartoonish world. Gamers outcried, I'm sure, but eventually they either stopped crying, or they played the game and got over their tears and fears because of how excellent the game was!

The only downfall the game had was the sailing aspect of the game, because it was cast in a world where Link (the main character) grew up on an island, and his sister is kidnapped, so he is violently thrust into a hero role without being ready, and has to leave his hometown island and has to sail to where his sister is kidnapped. Hence, the character has to sail everywhere he goes, from point A to point B. There isn't a fast travel mechanic, and some of the distances are very far from each other, so the gamer can get bored watching Link sail everywhere for minutes at a time.

If you can get past that downfall of the game, the gameplay is very fun and enjoyable, and the story was very enjoyable, and the game catered to the graphical engine to make the game humorous and funny.

Overall, it is one of my favorite Zelda games, and it has received much praise and high acclaim. If you've got the chance to play it, it has been recently remastered for the Wii U with new HD graphics, and it look seven more beautiful!

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