Sunday, December 13, 2015

Forza Motorsport 6 (2015)

Now we get to the good stuff.

Forza Motorsport 6 is the very epitome of epicness. It is the most amazing looking racer I have ever played, and it is also extremely challenging because it is a racing simulator. The difference between a racing simulator and an arcade racer is that arcade racers don't have very realistic gameplay physics (like traction, collisions, damage, etc.) Simulation racers like Forza, on the other hand, put all of those details in, so that the physics are as close to reality as possible.

It also does this to make the game look more realistic as well. And boy, does it shine!
These are all from the actual game. Just, beautiful, right?

Forza Motorsport 6 is an awesome game, it looks beautiful, and it is really, REALLY difficult, unless simulation racers are your cup of tea. Its a fantastic game, and I really don't feel like I need to elaborate on why very much. It's an awesome game, and definitely worth the investment if you have an Xbox One.

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