Sunday, December 13, 2015

Galaga (1981)

Galaga was a great arcade game released in 1981. I grew up playing it on my NES when I was a kid, and my dad always told me how it was an arcade game that he used to play. The gameplay is basically that you control a ship which you can move left and right, and fire at the enemies lined up in a formation at the top of the screen. You clear the level once you kill all the enemies.

Each level plays the same way: the enemies begin leaving their formation and flying at the player, who has to dodge them or else face death if they collide with the player's ship. The player only has three ships at the start, but they can gain an extra ship once they reach a high enough score.

It's a really fun game, and I loved playing it when I was growing up. It's such a great game because it was challenging, and very addicting. It was easily one of my favorite games that I played growing up, and I love the fact that it has been remade several times so that kids growing up in these days can also experience it for themselves, and people like me who grew up playing it can also keep playing it on their newer console or handheld.

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