Sunday, December 13, 2015

Final Fantasy VII (1997)

Final Fantasy VII. I mean, wow. I can barely even begin to write about it because it is such a remarkable game. I don't even know where to begin. So, I'll try to give it a very short rundown of why it was awesome and why everyone who even remotely likes RPG games needs to buy it and play it ASAP! It's available for download and play RIGHT NOW on PSN!

...okay. Now that that's out of the way.

Final Fantasy VII was revolutionary because it spurred the release of the franchise into 3D for the first time ever. It was also revolutionary because it introduced a new world completely rendered in 3D, and new pre-rendered cinematic scenes at clinical points in the story, which looked absolutely gorgeous when the game launched in 1997. I mean, c'mon. It is an awesome title.

I won't go into much detail of the story, but basically it takes place in a world called Midgar, and the characters in the story are trying to save the world from absolute destruction by the main villain, Sephiroth. Sephiroth was born of a genetic experiment and as such, once he discovers this, he becomes furious with his creators and wants to destroy everyone and everything.

It is your goal to stop him. So, get cracking! It's a fantastic game and has an excellent soundtrack! Try to look past the visuals because yes, it is almost twenty years old and it hasn't aged well because of that. But my next post will relieve all of that... just wait and see.

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