Sunday, December 13, 2015

Final Fantasy X (2001)

Final Fantasy X was the second Final Fantasy title I played since falling in love with Final Fantasy VII in 1997.

The reason I'm writing another review about another Final Fantasy game is because Final Fantasy X had what I would consider a better story. It also introduced a new levelling mechanic which allowed players to take their own path with each character in the game so that they could utilize their favorite characters in the game, yet still use every ability the game had to offer.

It did this through the Sphere Grid. The Sphere Grid contained all the abilities that characters could learn and use, and each character started on different places in the grid, so that they would be unique. But if you wanted to, you could move a character around on the grid and change the path that they originally were supposed to take in order to teach them different abilities than they were originally going to take if they had just followed the path that they were originally placed on.

Anyway. Enough about the sphere grid.

Final Fantasy X is more near to me than Final Fantasy VII, because of the story. It told a really touching love story that intertwined with the main overarching plot that made me cry when it ended because it was a touching story.

Games that make me cry are automatically placed on my ultimate favorite games list, haha.

And I'm man enough to say it.

Anyway, Final Fantasy X has also been rereleased on the PS4, so if you want to give it a try, do so! I'm still playing it myself because I missed playing it when I sold my PS2 (the console the game originally came out on.)

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