Monday, September 28, 2015

Xbox One's unlocked 7th core isn't that much of a boost, says dev

So, this article is talking about how the Xbox One, which has an 8 core processor, has been only utilizing six of the cores for gaming, and people have been led to believe that that is the cause for the lack of power present in the games that have come out since the console launched in 2013. Now, Microsoft has unlocked a seventh core for game developers to use for games. And according to a developer who has been actively collaborating with Microsoft to learn how to utilize the seventh core, it hasn't proven to make very much of a difference.

This is rather disappointing, because I am an avid gamer, on both the PS4 as well as the XB1. For the XB1 to be struggling to make games look the same as the PS4 is not good news for Microsoft. The console originally was released with the next generation Kinect hardware, which is incredibly powerful hardware, but game developers never released anything great for the first generation Kinect. The inclusion of the Kinect 2.0 with the XB1 at launch meant that the console was $499, whereas the PS4 was $399. That price difference, along with the power of the PS4 versus the XB1 graphically speaking, made for some serious problems for original sales numbers of the Xbox One. As a result, Microsoft detached the Kinect from the Xbox One and dropped the price to $399. Sales still didn't pick up as expected, so Microsoft has now dropped the price of the Xbox One to $349.

Now, even with a price drop, and unlocking another core for developers to use, you would expect the console to be performing better, sales-wise. But sadly, it looks like the console is still struggling to gain significant momentum. Only time will tell as the next generation of the console war continues if we will see the Xbox One contend with the significant lead the PS4 still has.